Having a Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be very beneficial for your organization. If you are unfamiliar with what a DPO’s duties and responsibilities are, then they ensure that the companies or groups they work for process the personal data of staff, customers, and anybody else they deal with, according to data protection rules. This post intends to delve more into the daily tasks of a DPO, as well as tell you why having one working for your company is not only very important but, in some places, a legal requirement.
Data Compliance
A DPO’s main job is to ensure that the company they are working for complies with data protection regulations. You don’t have to pay for an in-house DPO, though. It’s perfectly possible to pay for the help of an outsourced DPO, since outsourcing can be a lot cheaper. Make sure that if you do plan on outsourcing your company’s DPO needs you hire the most qualified, experienced firm you can. An outsourcing firm’s reviews will give you insight into their level of experience and what they are like to work with, so make sure to read them. If you do not comply with data protection regulations, you could get into a lot of trouble. Your industry regulator could levy fines against you, and if you continue not to hire a DPO, could force you to close.
Risk Management
Cybersecurity has never been more important than it is today. Criminals are everywhere online and do everything they can to steal people’s money and even their identities. A DPO will be able to work with you to make sure that your business is secure and not vulnerable to attack. This post will focus on cybersecurity later, but for now, risk management. A DPO can test all of your company’s systems and software to find vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities in your company’s technology can be exploited by criminals, which is why tests have to take place. Independent risk management consultants can be very expensive, though. You can save money by hiring a DPO because they will be able to perform tests and do everything else listed here. You get great value for money when you hire a DPO, considering this.
Building Trust
Consumers know the internet is not safe. Nobody’s ignorant of this fact anymore. Most people have had encounters with cybercriminals on the web, so by hiring a DPO, you will build trust with them. You won’t just build trust with your customers, though, but you will also build trust with employees and business partners.

People take the safety of their data very seriously, and it’s not hard to see why when you consider the rising amount of fraud that’s taking place on the internet. Hiring a DPO shows that you care, which says a lot about you. DPOs are not a legal requirement in all countries, so if you voluntarily hire one, your customers, employees, and partners will know you have done so for their good, not yours. It is their data you will be handling, not your own. Taking steps to protect other people’s data shows you are an altruistic and, more importantly, professional person. Make sure to openly advertise the fact you have a DPO, so you can use it as a talking point.
Training Employees
Training your employees can be another effective way to protect customer data. You will be pleased to know that if you pay them, your DPO will be able to train employees for you. They will be able to talk to them about the importance of safeguarding customer data and will be able to walk them through the various processes and ways of handling it. Bear in mind that if you outsource your DPO needs, you might not be able to benefit from in-house training. That said, you can still send your employees to training sessions with an external training provider. Most training sessions are offered at reasonable rates, as affordable prices can entice people to send their employees back for further training. Find the most experienced training provider you can so your employees actually benefit from time with them.
Company Audits
If your industry regulator decides to audit you and they discover that you do not have a DPO, if a DPO is a legal requirement in the country in which your business is based, you could end up getting into a lot of trouble. There’s a chance that your regulator could levy fines against you or force your business into either temporary or permanent closure, depending on the severity of the data protection infractions you have committed. Audits are not a common occurrence, but they can happen.

Take steps to protect yourself from the consequences of failing one by hiring a DPO and paying them to monitor and look after your company’s data for you. In addition to a DPO, make sure that you invest in the highest quality cybersecurity software you can so you don’t have to worry about your business’s money or data getting stolen by criminals.
Company Security
Your main priority as a business owner should be protecting your staff, customers, and partners. A DPO can help you with this. However, there are other things you can do, too. One of these is to invest in a VPN, which employees can use on work devices. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are programs used to mask people’s identities when they are using the internet, which can prevent criminals from harvesting their personal information and using it for fraud. Cybercrime and fraud have never been more prevalent than they are today, so make sure that you invest in a firewall, too. A firewall will block any incoming viruses or hack attempts, which can further secure your devices. Firewalls are widely available and priced very affordably, so you should not have trouble finding one that’s right for you. You can also hire external security services to monitor your systems for you.
A DPO can benefit your company in many ways. If you are interested in hiring someone, consider outsourcing. You can get a much better deal on a DPO by outsourcing. Outsourcing will prevent you from needing to hire an in-house DPO, which can be very expensive.