
What Can You Do About a Hostile Work Environment?

Feeling safe, comfortable, and respected in your workplace is essential. An unwelcoming or hostile work environment can negatively impact your career and personal life, which is why it’s important to seek support if something is wrong.

Understanding the details of a hostile work environment and what can be done about the situation will help you take action when needed. This article will explain the steps you must take if you feel uncomfortable at work.

Recognize the Signs

In a hostile work environment, a person (or group of people) may experience harassment, imitation, bullying, or aggression. They might be discriminated against based on their gender, sexuality, age, disability, or religion. A colleague or manager might do so with comments, intimidation, humiliation, or unjust punishments. There are a few other signs and behaviors that could constitute an issue.

If you’re not sure if your situation qualifies as a hostile work environment, you can find legal advice from experts at to help you understand your rights and options.

Address the Issue Directly

Suppose you’ve experienced any of the above issues or something similar. In that case, you can begin by asking the offending person to stop what they’re doing – they may be unaware that their actions are impacting you.


However, if this doesn’t help or the behavior is deliberate, it’s essential to report it to your direct manager or the HR department at your workplace. You’ll need to provide details about who was involved and where and when the incidents occurred.

Likewise, you should report any incidences where you notice other employees being treated inappropriately.

Know Your Rights

Speaking with an employment attorney might be helpful in difficult situations. A legal professional will help you understand your rights in a hostile work environment and provide you with various options you could pursue.

If you decide you want to take legal action against your employer or another involved party, an attorney will help you review the evidence and determine what the outcome might be.

Ask for Support

Being subjected to a hostile work environment, especially for a prolonged period of time, can be extremely distressing and even cause emotional trauma. Don’t be afraid to reach out for support.


Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you’re going through, and reach out for professional help if you feel that the experience has really impacted your mental health. Therapy and counseling can greatly aid in working through the emotions that come with such an experience.

Take Further Action if Necessary

Even if the issue at hand is resolved, it might feel uncomfortable for you to return to work. Sometimes, the best solution will be to find a new job or even start your own business.

This is especially important to consider if the issue at hand has been handled inadequately or if you don’t see any real improvement in the behaviour in question. Being educated in the matter and knowing your rights will help you make the best decision for yourself.